Monday, April 28, 2008

We're in the home stretch now

Wowee! April 28th already! Our last day of school, which is May 14th, is coming up quickly. And you know what--I'm like totally okay with that. :) It's been a very busy school year. We have added quite a few extra-cirricula activities this past year, and they are all winding down. Let's see, in the fall, the 3 boys played flag football, Joanna joined ballet, all 5 older children were in homeschool choir, Joseph was in tutoring this last semester, and we had other various activities sprinkled through the year. We are still going to continue schooling somewhat throughout the summer, but it's not going to be a 4-5 hour long deal. My 6 year old, Joy, wants to read so badly, so I'm going to teach her. My boy Joey, needs more reading help, so we'll do that. The boys and Joanna are going to be doing math worksheets to keep them remembering the stuff we learned this past year. But, we are going to be relaxed and not so rigidly scheduled. Ah, the kids are rejoicing. :)
I'm so grateful to be a homeschool family. The Lord has been very kind and good to us. We have learned some new things that remind us of how awesome God is.


Tim S. said...

Your kids are getting so big it doesn't seem possible! Wasn't it just a couple years ago I walked the aisle with Elizabeth and the ring pillow?!
I couldn't believe it when Josh told me he would be going to Sr. week at Sooner this year!
Where has time gone?!

Tim S.

Elizabeth Cravillion said...

I know the feeling well...being on the home stretch...summer :) I'm glad it's been a good year for you all. Miss you!